Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Best Friend

I wanted to give a special shout out to my best friend, Lauren. Since high school, she has been the friend that I share every experience with - good, bad, exciting, scary - but no matter how far apart we are or how long we go without talking, our friendship is always the same! Lauren is the most postive, inspirational and uplifting person I have ever met, one who constantly sees the good in others and who believes in the beauty and magic of dreams. She has always supported and believed in me, since the day we met, and always keeps me going. She is one of the few people I can completely be myself around (and nobody giggles likes us!) and who knows how to be a friend to me, no matter what. She is living out her dreams in Florida now, working hard and continuing to let her star shine, because she is exactly that -  a star!! Although we only get to see each other twice a year, it never feels that way, and never will because we will forever be soul sisters! I wish her all the luck, energy, and support in the world and appreciate all she has seen in me over the course of the years and look forward to all of the adventures to come!

~ Courtney

In Need of a Serious Revamp!

I first came up with the idea to start a blog almost 3 years ago. I was a senior in college and was not only thinking about what I wanted to pursue as a career, but how I was going to pursue everything I wanted out of life. Talk about biting off more than I could chew. I had just returned from a semester abroad in London, madly in love with the city I had spent four months in (as many of my fellow program mates could attest to) and trying to put the pieces of my experience together. The real challenge was learning to incorporate the person I had discovered while I was there into who I had previously been. Turns out they are two completely different people. Well it has been three years and I am still trying to connect the dots. Join me in my journey to find the inspiration in the everyday, as well as uncovering new passions - through the people I meet, experiences I have and the places I love the most and those I dream of traveling to, as I dust off my pen and break out a new piece of paper...ok, ok in today's terms - fire up my laptop and let my imagination go as I get back at it!

~ Courtney

Sunday, November 15, 2009

December Issue of Glamour

Current inspiration:

Glamour's December issue features the 2009 women of the year. Michelle Obama graces the cover and answers all the big questions, including settling into the White House, raising her children, and her plans for the future. Glamour also got the chance to sit down with Rihanna who had to regain her strength after an abusive relationship by reflecting on her past and allowing herself to move forward.

Rihanna's Reaction to Woman of the Year:
"It was a real honor to be named Glamour's Woman of the Year, especially because I think of myself as just becoming a woman. I just turned 21 this year. Just to be mentioned in this group of women is overwhelming. I love being a part of a night where we're celebrating women and such strong women."

Check out the rest of the interview in Glamour's current issue on newsstands now!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Today's Inspirations

Currently loving Alicia Key's new song, "Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart." Here a few sample lyrics:

Anybody could have told you right from the start
It’s bout fall apart
So rather than hold onto a broken dream
Or just hold onto love
And I could find a way to make it
Don’t hold on too tight
I’ll make it without you tonight

So tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you
Tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you
I’m gonna hold onto the times that we had
Tonight I’m gonna find a way to make it without you

Alicia Keys is a true artist and knows how to connect with her fans. Her music is always empowering and soulful, tapping into human emotion. Her new album, "The Element of Freedom" drops mid-December!! Check it out!!